Teaching first grade takes patience because all children learn at a different pace. It takes time for some to grow. Patience is an ingredient for little minds, but learning patience attracts happiness. 

Teaching small children takes patience, but can be conquered with confidence. Impatient is a sign of weakness; therefore patience draws relationships and great relationships lead to a successful classroom. 


  1. Carmen, thank you so much for the reminder to be patient with my students. As a Kinder TA that is something I need to be reminded of everyday. I may need to print out your meme and put it on my window. I agree that each student learns at a different pace and we need to be patient with them.

  2. Carmen, what a great word and reminder for all of us. When we are patience things run smooth and we teacher and students will be able to enjoy learning every day.

  3. I completely agree Carmen, patience is essential is every classroom! Great relationships within your classroom will be the backbone for your classroom procedures and classroom structure! I love the panda, so cute!

  4. I absolutely agree! Patience is vital in any classroom. Everyone learns differently, and having good patience and understanding with your students leads to great success in the classroom.


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